Temp Jobs in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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Temp Jobs

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EEZABLADE32 | 13:08 Tue 15th Jan 2013 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
Been made redundant and am now 62. I would like to do temp work and wonder if Employment Agencies still take on temps or actually look for jobs for people.
When I look at some of the sites it seems all you do is submit your CV and they email jobs in that area which probably go to hundreds more and in the last 4 years of trying I have only had 2 actual replies.
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Have you got any employment agencies near you?
Just take your passport and cv and tell them what type of work you require etc.
Then you will be registered with the agency.
You register with as many agencies as you want.
After several months of job hunting I decided to register with a job agency (albeit for teaching/teaching support) and to my surprise was found placements immediately. They have found me work every day (apart from the school holidays) for the last 3 months, because schools keep asking to have me back.
I think the same may be true if you find the right agency. Some people register with several but one was enough for me.
I would register and accept any job they offer you within reason- even if it's only for one day. Once they get good feedback they'll find more work for you and if they want to keep you they'll find jobs to suit you.
The pay may be less than you are used to but the experience is good, the variety makes it interesting and it may lead to something a little more permanent
Agencies are generally very pragmatic - if you have a skill then they will book you, i.e. secretary, IT support, chef etc. Some agencies test you very hard at the beginning and a continuous stream of work is rare. The websites are OK but they are hardly going to sell yourself. Better to design your CV around the job you want and then visit the agencies in person. Follow up the visit with further visits so you get to know the agency staff. Good luck
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Thx for the excellent answers.

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