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Driving Instructor

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Sado | 15:51 Sun 03rd Jul 2005 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers

I'm seriously considering  training to be an instructor.

Are any of you out there already doing this, and if so, is it a good career? I would love to hear some views.



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I don't know whether it's a good career as I haven't done it, but you have to be really, really patient and calm & collected in times of stress, yet you also have to be able to explain yourself clearly and make students feel confident in you. It's a lot to ask from a person and it takes someone kind of special - I think anyway - to do it.


If we don't have any ABers in the know, try ringing a few driving instructors and asking if you can chat to them about it when they've got a few minutes spare - probably ones outside your area though! Good luck.

One of my ex-girlfriends was a driving instructor. It's a really hard job because it's difficult to get clients.

You can sign up with the AA or BSM who provide the students but they take such a big cut it's not really worth it.

It was her dream to become a driving instructor, but she had to give it up after a year as she simply couldn't afford to live on the money she made.

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