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SonnyCrockett | 14:10 Thu 06th Feb 2014 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers
Is it worth putting a 3 week temp job on a cv ?



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Yes, shows experience and fact you're willing to work
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ok. Just that i have run out of room on my CV
if you absoutely can't squeeze it in, then don't bother. Nobody will regard a three-week hiatus as suspicious.
It does depend on why it ended - if you were sacked for example then I would exclude it :)
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If the work is in an area relevant to your current application, then yes. When you say you've run out of room - how long is your form? A c.v. shouldn't be longer than 2 A4 pages (ideally)
Depends on your age, how long a working life you've had so far, and whether it is relevant. May be worth a line to show you actually did something though.
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My CV is 2 pages, trying to find ways to squeeze it in

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