For those on this site that are in the UK, the poster has said he/she is in the first year of advanced school (generally called "college" in the U.S. As a freshman the poster is asking if they should obtain the Child Development Associate Credential. This is the basic stepping stone to becoming a teacher or otherwise an instructor of children.
The CDA is based on a core set of competency standards, which guide early care professionals as they work toward becoming qualified teachers of young children. In and of itself, it doesn't provide much but is necessary for advancement in the field of early childhood development… one site says "...CDAs know how to nurture the emotional, physical, intellectual, and social development of children…"
It can be interpolated that the poster is a black male student and believes that is some sort of hindrance to achieving the CDA… I don't understand why…
I'd say, if you're this interested then go for it.
The responders are correct, this is a U.K. site, but there are a few of us 'Yanks" that visit regularly for the entertainment value and occasionally exchange of great information...