Hi, I m a graphic designer, my senior project is based on a community/center that gathers unemployed people between 50 and 64 years old, working and doing what they love (drawing, music, hand craft, cooking...) in order to make them stay productive and active (far from being depressed and feeling lonely). And in addition, the center can sell their work (Ex: cooking = catering, hand craft and drawing = exhibitions...) If this community was real, what would be the work that they could be interested in? Thanks in advance!
You've made some good suggestions already- just build on these- eg making food items to sell or distribute to the homeless/elderly/infirm/hard up locals, knit clothes to donate to the homeless here and maybe in Calais
There really was no need to duplicate your thread, if you wanted to bring it back into 'Latest Posts' all you needed to do was add something to it as an answer.
B Hell. I'm in that age group and luckily working full time but if I weren't none of that would interest me in the slightest. I doubt it will when I'm older either. How about some brain exercising activities to go with that - accountancy, creative writing, computing, citizens advice, photography and learning how to use photoshop?
Christine, you could also if in the UK work in partnership with existing networks that support informal learning eg Workers Educational Association, and University of the Third Age. Makes your resources go further.
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What Are The Hobbies/works That Interest Unemployed People Over 50 Years Old?