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Interviewing Techniques

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karen3110 | 10:07 Thu 29th Sep 2005 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
When going for an interview, you have to mentally prepare yourself for the questions asked, and as well as being nervous have to revise and memorise all the pre-prepared answers.  Question is, is it seen as rude if you take your questions/notes in with you to the interview (as long as they are neatly typed up), or to sit there trying to remember everything?


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I would advise against it, it would look unprofessional, as if you can't remember the answers off the top of your head and need to read them from a piece of paper.


i think this would make you look less capable than other applicants who did not do this. 

I strongly agree with chazza.  I face a huge interview tomorrow, and would not dream of taking in notes.  However, when they ask "do you have any questions for us?", it may be acceptable to glance at a neat note you made in your diary to prompt yourself if you forget.  This shows that you took time to think about it. 

I got the above advice from my university careers service.  I'm personally going avoid having any paper, and try not to rely on a note in my diary either. 

You are obviously the sort who has the good sense to prepare.  You shouldn't need to be spouting figures off at them, and most of the time you'll be talking about yourself.  Having a piece of paper leads to the risk of you reading answers out, rather than being spontaneous. 

You will be fine remember it.  Don't be afraid to ask for a few moments to think about the answer.  Only fools rush in....

Good luck!

 crap, sorry i mean that isnt true in most cases. at first thought it may seem a bad idea but truely it shows great organisation skill, if you make sure your questions are in a file, and you refer to them without the employer being able to see your scribbled notes, it is more than acceptable. do not appologise for taking along questions, an empoyer sees it as a negative if you dont ask questions at the end of an interview.  i am an employment manager at the job centre so i no what im talking about.

Hello. I work in HR and I have to say that I don't judge people if they bring notes along with them to the interview - it shows they've prepared and are keen to do well. The only thing I would say is that there's no way you can know what questions will be asked, you can only think about what you might be asked and prepare for them.

Also don't neglect to research the company (you don't necessary need to know facts and figures) but an idea of sites, areas of business - if possible talk to other employees in advance and when you arrive at Reception remember to smile and be polite to the receptionist-they may be asked their opinon later!

Anyway, getting off the point. Sorry! Hope this helps and good luck with the interview! Polotoo

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