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English Presentation

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Gulle101 | 13:14 Thu 16th Mar 2017 | Jobs & Education
7 Answers
i have to make an engish presentation but i dont know what to write about.. HEEELP!


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We would obviously need more information before we could suggest anything. Does it have to be on an author or something from your own life etc etc?

Are you in the USA, I see your previous post referred to Dollars?
Make it about something you are interested in and something that the audience will be interested in too. If you seem interested in what you are presenting there is more chance that the audience will enjoy it , but if you seem uncertain or uninterested theaudience will probably feel the same
How about the arguments for and against the death penalty with data from other countries?
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Have you not been given any guidance from your teachers?
If it is the subject English I would suggest a book or poem may be your topic. When I say book I mean that for example a childrens book could be the subject. It could be 'the occurance of gender bias in ##### (title of book) or something of that type. A poem that you like...or hate! It is a good idea to think outside the box a bit and do something different.

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English Presentation

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