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My Coworker/friends Boyfriend Is Into Me. What Do I Do?

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CastielsAngel | 03:47 Sat 02nd Dec 2017 | Jobs & Education
16 Answers
One of my coworkers and I have become really close and she tells me everything. Her boyfriend had asked her if she wouldn t mind having a threesome: Him, her, and I. She hasn t decided yet, but he has already told her that he wants me and is going after me regardless. I didn t even do anything and he is like this. I don t know what to do because I don t want her to be mad at me, and I don t want their relationship to be ruined because he wants me as well as her. They are so amazing together and I don t know what to do because when he wants something, he intends to get it at any cost, and doesn t relent. HELP.


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Punch him. Then punch her.
Makes a change from 'turn the other cheek'!
A kick in the bum cheeks maybe?
How very Christian of you.
Ok then. Tell EVERYBODY what he wants. Most men would ridicule him and display their disgust. That should fix the immoral mysoginist.
You are obviously not happy with that prospect. I advise that you drop this 'friend' and tell her boyfriend to go walkabout.
What an unpleasant chap. Walk away from him, delete him from all social media and should you be asked why say that you can't stand people who are disloyal to those they have feelings for ....(or does he have feelings for your friend apart from sex?) Your friend is not happy with the suggestion or she would have said yes so she is probably worried about losin him.....oh he is nasty, nasty , nasty.....get out of this now...BTW he sounds like a bully...he gets waht he wants? make sure that isn't you.
Well said mally.
Surely what you do is take her to one side and advise her that she should get away from the relationship as soon as possible ? It's clearly controlling, from your description, and those don't tend to be happy ones.
Ever heard of no?
Well you could try saying to this deviant along the lines of:

"Sorry but you can't have me at any cost."


"Look, I wouldn't fancy you in a reign of pigs' pudding. Sorry and all that."
drop them both, same your modesty and sanity.
I don't see what your problem is here.

If you don't want to do it then just dont!

Or are you secretly flattered he wants you?

I assume you are a giddy teenager, if not, grow up.
"She hasn't decided yet...". So she's actually thinking about this...rather than just saying NO. fast as you can. Stop trying to convince yourself that " when he wants something, he intends to get it at any cost, and doesn t relent. " YOU need to be stronger than that. Stop worrying that you dont want her to be mad with you. Shes neither a good person or a good friend if she's considering this. And he's a bully who gets what he wants via fear and pressure.

Best answer to Theland ?

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