Hello, I'm again with a new proofread request :-) So my university has sent me an email in that they have mentioned "it is important that you inform us via email at “email id” as to whether we are to confirm your arrival for 01 April or for 01 July 2021. We will then issue and dispatch this confirmation to you via email. It will be required for receipt of your visa from the German foreign office". I want to inform my university and want to ask that when they will issue the latter, I'm mean after receiving my visa or before this.
Dear abc,
I want to inform you that I have got my visa appointment at the German Embassy, Egypt for the 19th of July 2021, after my interview, it will take 25 to 30 days to issue me a visa.
I have received an email on 1-12-2020 from the university, in that it is mentioned that “, it is important that you inform us via email at “email id” as to whether we are to confirm your arrival for 01 April or for 01 July 2021. We will then issue and dispatch this confirmation to you via email. It will be required for receipt of your visa from the German foreign office”.
So I would like to know when the university will issue this confirmation, before my visa appointment or once I will get my visa.
it seems completely clear to me they need your email about dates before they will confirm to the embassy. And further, that a visa will not be issued until after that