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Should I Pay A Deposit For Christmas Party?

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abbeylee90 | 14:56 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Jobs & Education
14 Answers

So selco have put a notice up today about thier Christmas party which is £5 deposit  you get back on the day. In my situation now I don't know if I should pay.



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In the great scheme of things you have spent (wasted) more money than that so why not.

When does it have to be paid?

Do you intend going if you are still there?

Can you not still go if you leave?  

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DIDL Yes but not a deposit.

Probably not the meal which deposit is for but out later yes 

If they refund the money on the day perhaps they'll refund you if you leave.

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I was told they won't give it back.

Its a fiver

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I'll just put my name down and pay

You know what you've just done , don't you 

You've made a decision within seven posts 





yipeee !!!

My employer has in the past requested a small deposit (fee) for those attending a Christmas function, otherwise paid for by the company.


The purpose of the deposit is to discourage employees stating that they will attend - but not turn up, with the company paying maybe as much as £100 per employee in advance to the venue.

But what are you going to wear?

Oh no – now there will be loads of posts as to the suitability of an outfit for a works Christmas do.

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I haven't decided between that beajolious day

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Should I Pay A Deposit For Christmas Party?

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