working around the children in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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working around the children

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jojogirl | 15:38 Tue 07th Feb 2006 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
i was working part-time until made redundant a year ago. i have taken a year off and really enjoyed not having to worry about school holidays and sick children taking days off, however its back to work time and i would be interested to know of anyone out there that has found temp work through an agency wherby you could work just when the kids are at school and stop when they are not. does this work and are the agencies fairly flexible??? i have never used one before.
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I found them great when I was studying. As long as you state that you do not want any long term assignments then you should be fine. I worked for a week here, fortnight there etc etc. I really enjoyed it and it was quite good fun working in lots of different places. If you speak to the various agencies they will advise you too.
agencies are crying out for good temps, do what you say you will, when you say you'll do it and you will be able not only to choose your own hours but also the jobs you take
I guess one of the obvious answers, if you have computer and clerical skills, might be to try and find a job working in school administration or in the admin. department of your local Adult Education dept. Then you would only be working in term time.
avon and similar companies offer flexible hours and you can take the kids with you if needed http://avongirlz.co.uk

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