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bored of the 8-5

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nick simpson | 00:45 Tue 11th Apr 2006 | Jobs & Education
29 Answers
If you were young, fit, adventureous and goodlooking, what exciting career would you choose? (male)
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that means his vital statistcs u know
Question Author how much do toyboys get paid?
lol not as much as you might think Nick! Just fringe benifits ha ha
nick ,her majesties armed forces but steer away from the r.a.f odd bunch good luck .and bez if u r stocking tops and no knickers gives us a call
nick, the fact you've had to post this question on an internet forum site may suggest you lack rather in the qualities as listed above. I type this email on my PDA whilst holed-up just outside the Chechyna border on a 'black ops' surveillance job for the SAS. Wish you were here?

This isn't the Nick Simpson I went to school/swimming with is it?

If it is, you'll know who you are!

and stay away from the hereford hooligans
Try the Parachute Regiment - but you'll have to be a bit special !
you do have to be special to throw yourself out of a perfectly good aircraft and the only things designed to drop out of the sky are raindrops and bird poo (airborne easy)

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bored of the 8-5

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