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How to get out of retail?

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tracymort | 17:33 Mon 24th Jul 2006 | Jobs & Education
6 Answers
My husband has been in retail management for 8 years and wants out. Crap wages and what with the net he thinks it's best to get out soon.
Any ideas what career would suit someone with such skills. He's highly thought of in the trade for his customer service skills.


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Does he work for Asda? My Husband was also an Asda manager, and he left his Security manager role after 3
years (in the redundancies last year) to go into Resturant and hospitality management. What specific department does he manage?
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At the moment he is ladieswear manager in a department store. He used to manage a hi-fi shop and that was a great company to work for...if single! Not enough money for a mortgage and children.
try as this has a careers questionnaire on it and might give him some different ideas based on his likes and skills.
i worked in retail from 14 years old as a sat girl til i was 21
I have since done many things from customer services, call centre, inbound sales advisor and recruiment.

In all honesty its hard going from retail to office but a great stepping stone is customer service/call centre advisor

check out free it courses at your local adult education and yes learn direct.

does he know what he wants to do?

i worked in retail from 14 years old as a sat girl til i was 21 working as a department head in a sorts store then running a gift shop.

I have since done many things from customer services, call centre, inbound sales advisor and recruiment.

In all honesty its hard going from retail to office but a great stepping stone is customer service/call centre advisor

check out free it courses at your local adult education and yes learn direct.

does he know what he wants to do?

i now run my own online travel co!

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How to get out of retail?

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