Ok im 33 and i have had alot of good jobs and im sort of at a crossroads in what way to go next im really confused and its getting me down abit, i just wonderd if anybody had the same problem and what did they do?
Yes i thought of that Rosie, these days its the insurance which costs alot for myself.
Im going to loch lomond for a holiday and see if i can talk to the forestry commision up there.
You could try temping for a bit, to look around and see where you 'fit'. Its always an option and because its a temp job, no contract or committment, so if you don't like it, you can always move on to something else.
PS-its always best to stick to your strongest interest, ie-where you naturally thrive.
I am 32 and recently had a 'I'm not enjoying my job - what can I do about it?' kind of moment. I felt much happier once I realised that I could do something about it. I went onto the www.learndirect.co.uk website, where they have a career section. You can fill in a questionnaire about your interests, skills etc. and it suggests appropriate careers for you, including how to train, expected salaries etc. For me, it opened up the possibilities of doing something I had always considered but hadn't known how to do. Just knowing that I could pursue that made me feel 100 times better - taking a bit of control rather than floundering at the crossroads! Good luck with finding something that suits you.