My wife and I are planning to have a baby. She has been at her current workplace for over 6 years. During her maternity leave will she be paid a full wage or a lower/statutory wage?
She could ask her HR dept at work, but she does not want them to know that she is planning to have a baby.
from what i can remember it depends on the length of the maternity leave, its starts of at full wages and decreases, after 6 months its goes to statutory, if no-one else has posted i'll check with hr tomorrow for you , and good luck with the baby making:-) x
Have a look here, this should tell you about SMP but a lot depends on the company your wife works for. My wifes employer will pay her SMP only. A friend of our works for a large insurance company and received 6 months full pay.
Hi, spoke to the HR manager and our policy is pretty standard across the industry, we pay 90% for the first 6 weeks followed by smp currently �106 per week or 90% of your average earning whichever is lower. thing to remember if your wife earns commission or bonus this have to been taken into account when calculating average earnings. if you want the docs i can scan and email them to you, let me know your email addy at [email protected]
It will be detailed in her company personnel policy document which will detail the companies rules etc. You should be able to look at it any time without question.
My wife works for the NHS and has just gone back to work from Mat. leave, she got 8 weeks full pay and then weeks 9-26 at half pay, she also got SMP but this was only for about �120 a week in all she was about �500-�600 down on her pay.