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johnbjohn | 20:22 Sun 27th Aug 2006 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers
I have been with my employer for 9 months and have been off due to loss of hearing (perforated eardrums ( not caused by my work), please tell me if i am entitled to anything from them, and what benefits i might get.


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You may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay, (but probably not) or, if off for more than 3 working days,Incapacity Benefit. Check out the jobcentreplus webiste
You will be enitled to statutory sick pay for a maximum of 28 weeks, and then might qualify for Incapacity Benefit.

Your employer will pay your SSP. tory_sick_pay.asp

Anything else your employer pays you depends on the terms and conditions of you contract. Some employers pay nothing extra, others pay full pay or a per centage for a stated time.

You may be entitled to some form of income support benefits. All the information you need is here: tory_sick_pay.asp

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