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How to run my own bar?

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irishguy | 22:03 Sat 02nd Sep 2006 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
Ive been in the bar trade for 6years and I need a bit of advice about running my own bar? I want to be in the South of England


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What areas do you need advice in? Do you already work in the bar you want to manage or do you need advice on finding suitable premises?

I was the assistant manager in a small members only bar for 2 years. If you tell me what you would like to know I'll see if I can help :)
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I am currently looking for premises, but I honestly dont know what or how much it should cost me to rent or lease. Any advice would be great, or even your own past experience.

Hi. There are two ways you can go about it. If you don't have mush cash to invest the big pub chains usually take on people and give ongoing training but they usually ask for graduates so this is often difficult to get in to.

If you are looking for your own bar to be your own boss then purchasing you own place is the best solution, take a look at licensee_index.asp?pg=4

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How to run my own bar?

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