Hi I left a question the other day concerning sending work samples when applying for graphic design jobs. I just have a few more queries. Would 2mb be too big an email to send? My email consists of a PDF file CV and 3 JPEG files of work samples. I tried saving work samples as PDFs but the files were really big. The JPEGs are pretty high quality though so they'd be able to view them ok.
Another thing is when I saved the CV as a PDF I was given the option ""subset fonts when percent of characters used is less than 100%". I read somewhere that if I changed the 100% to 0% it would embed all fonts. Is this right?
I've sent work before when applying for jobs but these are a couple of things I'm unsure of. I really want to get this application right!
gloop, we work in the graphics industry and we certainly wouldn't have a problem receiving a 2 mgb file. Nearly all graphics companies will be on broadband anyway. Just make sure that the samples are relevant to the job.
I don't know about the 'subset fonts' thing. If you're CV uses normal fonts such as Arial etc it should be ok. Personally, I don't like lots of fancy fonts in a CV.
Thanks for the reply! I'll stick with the 2mb file then.
My CV just has Gill sans, Helvetica Neue condensed black and wingdings for some bullet points. I'm guessing they'd probably have those fonts. They're not too unusual. I've sent my CV to a friend now to see if it looks ok on his computer to be sure. I know fonts can be a problem but I think the subset option embeds them anyway.
I work on a newspaper and get a lot of graphics sent to me. 2MB is certainly not a problem. Also, once an item has been converted to a PDF the fonts used don't matter - it takes on the property of an image rather than text so even if the person you are sending it to does not have the fonts you have used, it won't be a problem. Good luck with the job!