If you are working less than 16 hours each week Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) can normally be claimed if you are looking to increase your hours to fulltime or looking for alternative fulltime work, thats the Jobseeking bit. Any money you earn will affect the amount of JSA that you could recieve. There are then two parts to JSA based on either your National Insurance or means tested. If you have paid enough National Insurance under the rules, you could get JSA for up to 26 weeks (depending on your wages and continuing to satisfy the seeking work rules). If your total income is below means testing limits for your circumstances, you could get income based JSA which is means tested. This will look at the income for your household, partner and any special circumstances such as disabilities or caring responsibilities. JSA is taxable and most of the JSA paid - but not always all of it, will be included with your wages in a tax assessment.