Hi, i know that at the job centre they can do a little test to see how much better off you are working than claiming benefits. Do you know if theres a website where you can do that yourself instead of having to go to or call the job centre?
isnt it just a case of adding up your benefits, then getting a job tht pays more?
you dont need a website for that.
When you say "better off" do you just mean financially? if you are taking other stuff into account, if you have your health, you are alwas "better off" working in my opinion,
yep to think there are people like my dad that can't get work no matter how many applications he makes he is never taken on but if he was to start working for himself the government would cut his benefits completely not taking into the account that a couple of hours work a week is not going to support him great so either your dumb or what ?
Not so easy, been made redundant, applications sent off not even a reply we are talking loads here. I am qualified in IT but cannot get to the interview stage, I know I could each job I have applied for really well. Its soul destroying. Any tips on getting in to the interview stage? They'd love me when they meet me !! LOL.
I too was on benefits just for a few months, i got help through the jobcentre to get a job, they will support you and there are cash insentives depending on your circumstances, and believe me, you are better off WORKING. For your own self esteem. Not everything is about money, the system is very badly overstretched. Please, have some pride in yourself.