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misstunbridg | 16:09 Mon 13th Aug 2007 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
which uiversity would be the best to go to to study religious studies?
any ideas, i have looked at some but can't make my mind up!


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These are the best according to the uni league tables, but it all depends on what kind of Campus you wan to experience too.,,1 3448,00.html
How about going to Canterbury- can't get more religious than that! You could go to either University of Kent, or Christ Church university where I went. They do lots of joint honours degrees which are great because you can study 2 subjects you are interested in- keeping your options a bit more open. It is an absolutely lovely place to live and to study- I can't recommend it highly enough. eology-and-religious-studies/index.asp
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hi, the university of kent was the one that i wanted to go to!! i was just seeing if there were any others! thankyou- it has now proven to me that canterbury is the right choice! thanks again!!

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