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Team Player

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Denisdiamond | 21:53 Mon 10th Sep 2007 | Jobs & Education
10 Answers
What does anyone think is the key characteristics of a " team player' ?


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someone that thinks outside the box
Let me guess...its your annual appraisement time at work??
Someone who doesn't blame balls-up on everyone else. Not a common trait in my experience.
an a.r.s.ehole at work who says one thing to the boss and something completely different to the people he works with
Ar$e l!cker
someone who does not grumble when the boss decides to finish at 5pm in stead of 6pm because the boss has worked all weekend whilst her staff went out and got lashed after performing badly on friday because their boss was on a day off.
there may be no "I" in team.....but there is a "Me" if you jumble the letters up
hey neo, I hear some of your early work (post Bill & Ted) is on TV 2nite, tut, you are coining it in ain;t ye
ive been wasting my time watching the MTV awards [email protected] music awards ever......Britny was probably the best bit and she was dyer

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Team Player

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