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Salary discrepancy?

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Mully79 | 09:50 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | Jobs & Education
13 Answers
Hi I've been on the listentotaxman website, I'm not sure whether I'm being diddled here or not

I'm on �17,500 pa. My weekly take-home pay is �230.34. I receive �55 in vouchers per week through salary (i.e. tax free) for childcare.

According to the website I should be bringing home �255.97. I'm not sure if I've done it correctly - does this look like I'm being short-changed? I'm not sure what my tax code is.

Also, when are we all supposed to receive the �60 from Mr Brown due to the 10% tax band?


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You will receive the �60 in September's pay packet if you have been constantly employed since April.

I'm looking in to the rest
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Thankyou Ethel

I get paid weekly. I know my husband is expecting this �60 in his monthly wage tomorrow, I've not heard a thing from my boss about it.

I suspect that he has STILL not updated his accounts package from 2007/08 to 08/09 and is 'guessing' salaries.
How often do you paid, monthly or 4 weekly?

What is your tax code?

What other stoppages do you have?
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I don't know my tax code, I've not had a pay slip in months, no joke. I get paid weekly.

There are no other deductions or additional overtime payments etc. Just the �55 childcare payment.
Without a wage slip it is impossible to progress with this and you should get a wage slip.

Did you get a notice of change in income tax code from the tax office recently?

Does anyone else get a payslip?
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His wife does the accounts/wages (badly). He hired someone else to do them, didn't provide the info she needed to do the job properly, so she left. Now his wife is back doing the accounts, trying to play catch-up.

We used to get wage slips, quite sporadically in batches, since the mess with his accounts we've not had any. He's not been around for a while otherwise I'd ask him to get it sorted so I can check.

I've not had any contact with the tax office, definitely not a notice of a change in tax code.

If it turns out he's been underpaying me because he's not updated the tax info etc, and he fails to pay this �60 as well, what are my options - surely he can't get away with it for much longer?
If you have been paying too much tax you will be able to claim a rebate from the tax office. You will get it all back eventually.

Next time you are at work, insist on discussing this and your missing wage slips.

You can telephone your tax office now (this minute!) and ask them what your tax code was from April and what it is now. That will be a good starting point.

DocSpock - yes you will unless you are a higher tax payer and assuming you pay tax
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Thankyou Ethel

Your advice is great (as always!)
I'm not sure whether childcare vouchers are tax free. They will certainly be exempt from NI but I'm not sure about their tax treatment. Does Ethel know?
I do and they aren't - up to �55 per week anyway.

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Salary discrepancy?

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