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Can the government guarantee my pay?

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Chasingcars | 17:14 Wed 22nd Oct 2008 | Jobs & Education
1 Answers
Just found out our company has gone into administration. There are high hopes that the company will be bought in which case we all keep our jobs.
Worse case and we go into liquidation, we have been told that the government would gurantee any salary owing.
However can anyone advise if that includes redudency pay we should also get or is just the basic minimum of salary to the end of that current month/ notice period?



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You will definitely get the redundancy payment from the Government. You MAY get the back pay from the Government - it depends whether the administrator can pay you wages from funds freed as part of the administration process.
This area is dealt with by these people, on behalf of the Government. redundancypayments/guideforemployees/guidefore mployees.htm
Suggest you call them.

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Can the government guarantee my pay?

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