I am coming up to 46. When I was 14 I did something really silly with some friends and ended up being dragged before the local town Sergent for a good telling off. It is so long ago I cant remember if it was on or of record. Would I have to tell anyone about it on a job application for the NHS
It was one of those stupid things that teens do.
I can honestly say hand on heart that I have never been in trouble with anyone since.
I am applying to be a housekeeper. Serving meals to patients,tea and coffee etc.Making sure ward supplies are in place.Linen and the like.
As you will have access to vulnerable people, you will most likely have to do an enhanced CRB check. As enhanced crb checks (from what i've read on here) can include ANY information That is on record about you, there is the possibility it will show up. If, for example you were scrumping apples, it probably wont be a problem, if however your "silly" thing was flashing you might have a bit of a problem (if indeed your telling off was recorded at all - it may well not have been)