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Counselling Jobs

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carojan | 22:12 Tue 23rd Jun 2009 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers
I have a diploma in counselling and a certificate in CBT. Can anyone give me any pointers as to where to look for employment in this field. Finding it really difficult. Looking to work in the North West/North Wales areas.


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Jordan needs a rest from her problem page.....offer your services there
Try your local Council. They usually have some sort of Welfare Rights Officer in residence, and perhaps you could find a vacancy through them.
I know of a few secondary schools who employ councellors. Be prepared to make a pitch to persuade them of the benefits.
you might try universities but CBT means Compulsory basic Training for a MOTORBIKE doesn't it?
I assume she's referring to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Have you thought about working in the private sector?
Are there any places locally that are looking to expand their services for instance?
Does your course provider say where other graduates get work?
Could you contact the professional assocition you are affiliated to (if any ) give you any pointers?
ahhh well then definately try universities or colleges.
Try your local newspaper, Therapy -the BACP magazine, the internet under lodza jobs (or whatever its called), look around local youth and women's projects round your area, phone them, ask if there are any vacancies, etc etc. Where did u do your placement whilst studying for your Diploma - have they got any job opening and finally, network, network, of the best ways of finding out about jobs!!!

good luck!

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