holiday entitlement in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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holiday entitlement

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karenedney | 17:09 Fri 14th Jan 2005 | Jobs & Education
11 Answers

Are you entitled to carry holiday left over to the next year and is the company allowed to buy this holiday from me

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You need to look at your contract of employment to see what it says about how left over holiday will be treated.  Some employers might not let staff carry over holiday at all, while others will say it is at their discretion.  Under UK law, there is no requirement that an employer must allow you carry your holiday over. The same applies for the �buying back� of your holiday � you need to look at your contract of employment. It is quite common now for larger companies to operate �buying� and �selling� of holiday so it would depend if your employer offers this or not. If they do, I suspect the �buying� and �selling� with be at the employer�s discretion so there might be a limit on how many days you can buy and sell in any particular period.

It really depends on the company you work for.Our Holiday year begins the 1st April & we have to take our Holidays by 31st March the following year.I have known of some people in my work that have lost the odd day here & there  because they never took it  before the deadline.

just to add to the answers so far, with regard to taking or losing holiday in a year, your employer is not legally obliged to make sure you take your annual leave entitlement but they are obliged to make sure you can take it all.
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In A Pickly, I thought I had heard of this Directive, but do you know if it has been implemented in UK law yet?  Do you know which Directive it is?
sorry for typo I meant In A Pickle
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Many thanks In A Pickle, a very useful website for the future.
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Where I work the holidays run from January 1st to December 31st. We have our holiday in hours (8 hours is considered 1 day)..  25 days annual holiday and 8 public holidays.  We work shifts, each shift (days, afternoons, nights) is on a 7 day rota system. The days we are off rota are called rest days. If we are on the rota to work and it is a bank holiday we get paid double time and still keep the holiday to use when we want.

Annual holiday entitelement MUST be used by December 31st or it is lost. Public holiday entitlement (bank hols) can be carried forward to the next year but MUST be used by the anniversary date.. which means if you carry over easter monday it MUST be used before that date or it will be lost.

Karenedney.. If you are in a union check with them as there may be a local agreement concerning holidays made between the union and the employer.

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