work with a radio station in The AnswerBank: Jobs & Education
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work with a radio station

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milly143 | 11:46 Tue 25th Jan 2005 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
How do I go about getting work (voluntarily or otherwise) on a radio station, local or national????
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because of the perceived 'glamour' of working in radio, a lot of people are attracted to radio stations, and will oftn work for free. At least you have correct approach - you will need to work for free at least initially. Approach your local station and advise them that you are keen to work in radio - have some ideas and do a little research in advance before you go and tlk to them. Instead of advising them that you are the new Chris Moyles in waiting, check out some 'behind the scenes' jobs in production and studio management and talk about those rather than your 'dream job'. if you are lucky to get a place, be ready to do anything at all, and be reliable, patient, persistant, and polite. Some radio station staff have severe delusions of grandeur, but keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open, and make sure you don;t get involved in any gossiping that you will hear around you.

I believe BBC Radio does Work Experience, check out this site -http://www.bbc.co.uk/jobs/workexperience/index.shtml

Good luck.

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Thanks, I'm not really interested in the 'glamorous' side of it and don't actually think I would be any good at talking on air, certainly have no aspirations to be the next Chris Moyles. Im much more interested in the behind the scenes stuff. Thanks for the link, ill take a look!.
I imagine there's fierce competition for most types of  jobs in radio, even unpaid work experience, so you need to look at how you can put yourself ahead of the competition. If you can get some 'hands on' experience at your local hospital radio for instance, then when you go to apply for work experience or a job with a radio station, they can see you have some directly relevant experience already and that you're not just another applicant with illusions of a glamorous job.
Just write to a local station requesting some work experience.  Friends of mine have had no problem getting work like this

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work with a radio station

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