I just wondered do you have to have a degree to be able to work as a graphic designer. How does it work if you want to go freelance, maybe setting up own buisness? would you recemend it or should you ideally have a degree and work for someone first befor setting up own buisness, even for a very ambitious person? Thank you!
My mate is a very successful graphic and web designer. He went to art school for a yr but then worked in a graphic designers. He doesnt have a degree and is completely self taught. He worked for companies for 3-4 yrs and now is freelance.
I'm a self-taught website producer without a degree. If you've got an aptitude and a passion for graphic design, you should master the computer tools out there, like PhotoShop, Flash, Fireworks. You would collect fonts and be able to recognise the most common ones and have an eye for appreciating advertising, logos, brands, liveries, websites, signwriting, magazine styles. We're surrounded by it everywhere in the modern world, and it all started by somebody drawing something!
I have got a-leverls in art and graphic design a foundation course and I am currently in my first year of uni studying graphic design. I'm going to stay on the course, I just wondered if it was necessary to have a degree
Company logos provides detail information about logo design, brands, website design as well as magazine and stationary design. Graphic design info is available at http://www.companylogos.ws/articles.html