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Anyone looking for work will know that there are few things more stressful than waiting for a job interview – one of these happens to be the actual interview itself! While it can be stressful planning for an interview, following our tips will hopefully help you through the planning process without causing any large scale mental breakdowns!
If you do not research the company you plan to work for you are unlikely to appear very eager. Researching the company thoroughly is the best place to start when planning any job interview – without an understanding of the company, their business practice and their place in the market you are likely to fall at the first hurdle. Understanding a company’s profits and products is a good point to start researching from; understanding the place of the company within the industry will also make it easier for you to speak in a relaxed and confident manner with your potential employer.
Job interviews might not all be the same, but there are some questions which are nearly always asked such as: “What are your strengths?” “What can you do for us which others cannot?” and “What are your goals?” With this in mind you can be prepared and have some practiced answers – this is not to say you should be able to reel off whole lists of “strengths,” in one go, but you should attempt to keep them in mind for easy recall during the interview process.
Be Inquisitive
Asking questions is one of the best ways to have a good interview. Firstly it means you can steer the conversation away from areas of the business you do not understand towards those that you do. Secondly you will be able to gain deeper knowledge of the company’s culture – this will of course be handy in further interviews and in the case of getting the job. Being prepared with some well thought-out questions can make you seem like an active and interested potential employee.
Look Like You Want The Job
Dressing well is an important part of the job interview. It shouldn’t be as important, but unfortunately this is the case. Being well presented will help form a positive first impression at a job interview – well fitting, clean and tidy clothes are required for a start. Avoid wearing hats, being too casual, having facial hair, and wearing “wacky,” accessories – they are all unlikely to make you appear professional.
The final tip for any job interview is: Don’t Panic!