ChatterBank23 mins ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
Not really sure if this is the right category for this question - but does anyone know how you can find out who owns a certain piece of land? We have lived in our house for ten years and there's a...
I have applied a cleaning product to a chrome plated tap. It has caused permanent staining to the tap. The cleaning product displays a picture of a tap on its label, suggesting it is appropriate to...
Greetings each. I loaned an old friend around £470 last year and he was repaying me in instalments. Unfortunately he passed away in March with around £150 still outstanding. I don't...
Now I know my husband is a bigimins (with a baby), I want to divorce him but he is abroad. Do I need to have his signature to divorce him and where do I stand where our mortgage is still in joint...
My mother took out a equity release in 2007 for £25000 an d the repayment due is £85000. My mother is dying of MND in a nursing home and has been there for more than 6 months. I have just...
If somebody dies intestate, but has expressed verbally what they would like done with their estate, how does the law stand?
I work for a distribution company driving an HGV. this evening we received a letter stating that " due to a downturn in volumne of work and trading of our customers, the company has taken the...
I took a loan out with the bank and used my property as security for the loan. The loan was repaid some years ago. the deeds remained with the bank. I asked for the deeds back and before they will...
The scenario is this: a weeks holiday has been booked off from a job (mon-fri) and at a doctor's consultation on the Friday preceding this the worker is instructed to take 3 weeks (min.) away from...
Why have the government not started to print a Greenback Pound?
If someone marries abroad or onboard a ship,would it be registered here in the UK. I have been looking for a marriage but cannot find it in GRO records.I know they were definately married,so am...
A solicitor draws up a will and is named as executor. After the death of the person who's will it was, the solicitor has all of the financial information in connection with the estate, and executes...
A work mate of mine has told me that my transport manager "thinks" I've not earned an amount of money that I have worked overtime for, and intends to edit my time sheet before it goes to the...
when someone dies is there a estate value at which probate kicks in or do you need it no matter what
About 20 years ago an acquaintance asked me to take care of an item for him. Believe it or not I only ever knew him by his first name and I can't even be sure how it would be spelled; nor did I know...
Hi I was assualted whilst at work and I am claiming compensation through the insurance company of the company I was working for. I have my own company and was on a building site working as a sub...
Hi, my parner has had a company car for about 3.5 years, he started with a van for 6 months until the car arrived. He is a building surveyor and has no set place of work, each day he leaves home for...
Can a car garage advertise a car on their website for a different price than whats on their forcourt?? baring in mind it doesnt state on the website "web exclusive" etc. isn't this false...
There is quite a lot of nuisance dust at the industrial estate where I work. My employer has told me to damp it down using a water bowser/sprinkler [towed behind a motor vehicle] system that will be...
My mother passed away in 1996. Some years before she made a very unwise 2nd marriage. The chap concerned was horrible to her, especially in the last few months before she died of cancer. Consequently,...