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standleyone | 18:26 Wed 03rd Aug 2011 | Civil
7 Answers
Can you register an EPA that is a copy and not an original document?
There also should be 2 Signatures of the people nominated but there is only one. This was all I could find at my Aunt's house.


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Extremely unlikely you can register it, but the OPG will tell you for sure

It's possible a solicitor has the original??
I think it *might* be possible if you have a "notarised" copy, ie one which has been signed as a true copy by a solicitor.

As dzug says, the solicitor who drew it up should have the original in safekeeping.
aren't they out of date now?
According to this: An Enduring Power of Attorney that was made and signed before October 1 2007 can still be used.

But it would have to have been correctly completed to allow it to be registered.

As ladyalex says, if it was drawn up by a solicitor – they may have the original, or be able to supply something good enough.

Who is the attorney named in the EPA?
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The Attorney are friends on my Aunt. She does not have the capacity now to have a new LPA written.
The solicitors have already been contacted and do not have the orginal document or a certified copy.

Thanks everyone for information.
If it was drawn up by a solicitor, then I would suggest that it is very likely that it was registered with the relevant authorities.
Have you spoken to your Aunt’s friends to find out what was done with the EPA?
You could also contact the OPG with as much information as possible and ask if it has been registered – but I think that you need to have the original registered document to be able to use it.
It won't have been registered - you can't register an EPA until the donor has lost capability

It sounds as though it was never actually completed

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