Hi, from what I remember you submit your application and then have to go and see a judge. The judge is quite stern (as they should be) and that is the date your bankruptcy starts from. We went bankrupt as a business partnership so it was quite complicated. We had to have a meeting with the official receiver and they were so nice - I expected some sort of telling off, but they were really kind and nice. I kept crying (mixture of all sorts of emotions plus four week old twins). They do not take your possessions or have any call on them, including any vehicle you might have. They are not horrible or judgemental (although I sort of wished at the time that they had been, almost like I thought we deserved it). Money doesn't get any more plentiful but the stress does go to some extent, it was replaced by guilt in my case but it was better than the stress, this wasn't Scottish law though. It will be ok, might not seem like it at the moment, but you will, xxx