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Parking Ticket

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mayennaise | 14:00 Sun 06th Sep 2015 | Civil
70 Answers
Are parking tickets issued in supermarket car parks legal and can they be enforced?
Apparently I spent too long shopping and have been asked to fork out £30 as it seems I overstayed my welcome!!!!!


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mayennaise thank the LORD for that. at last the thread can just stop...
20:24 Sun 06th Sep 2015
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this is going downhill rapidly and I can see Plonker Cop Mod issuing a parking ticket shortly in the form of a ticket on the screen needed, or photograph of it sitting there.
Retrochic- a year or so ago one could cofidently bin these invoices in knowing nothing would come of them. But as others have said there has been a change and whilst some companies may still give up if you just bin their letters there is now much more of a risk that the company will succeed so long as the charge is not unreasonable. Some will take teh risk and others would rather accept they were in the wrong and/or want to move on without teh worry of this hanging over them. I'm not sure which category I would be in now but i would certainly update yourself on recent cases if I were you before pronouncing so confidently that will always get away with it
divebuddy -its not 'ranting' its sticking up for oneself. Maybe you can't cope with that from a woman -best just tell them they are 'ranting' I mean -women can't have opinions can they? (don't bother answering that I'm bored now)
There is a case before the Supreme Court awaiting judgment at the moment which will affect these cases
If it goes against the parking company it could mean 'unfair' parking charges are illegal. They may even have to refund all charges they have collected so far! The problem will be to define 'unfair' in legal terms.
fiction -the OP asked for opinions -this is mine -others have differing ones -my are based on experience -like months ago not years. I would always buy a ticket in a private park in town -just I don't pay in hospitals or supermarkets.
Retrochic, it is worth reading the whole of the link as the 'time line' explains what happened when the plaintiff ignored a private parking notice. The same could happen to you! Not saying it will, but it IS possible.
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Just to keep you all up to date - I rang S/bury and had a lovely chat with a lady at Customer Services - I explained that my daughter and I had had breakfast in their cafe, had a good look round the TU dept and tried on a few items and I then did my weekly shop, which all took approximately 2.5 hours! Upshot is - parking charge cancelled!!
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mayennaise thank the LORD for that. at last the thread can just stop...
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DB, she has her own insecurities, best ignored imo!
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Much ado about nothing, then.....
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this is not a slanging match, it's someone's thread!
bednobs -you have made no contribution what-so-ever to the thread and probably not even read it. Its called heated debate and I agree it should not be a slagging match perhaps you can talk to the contributor concerned and ask why he felt the need to jump in with insults. I could have reported it but best left to show up the person concerned.

You just don't listen. Things have changed as FF, DB, and Dave have pointed out...but carry on arguing anyway!
Shall we try and argue about the issue raised in the OP, and not get bogged down in a personal slanging match?

It's against the spirit, and the rules of the site, and this is how and why threads get pulled.
Great to hear your news mayennaise!

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