Parking Ticket in The AnswerBank: Law
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Parking Ticket

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niknax71 | 14:35 Fri 16th Jul 2021 | Law
20 Answers
I work for a company that has several supported living homes.In the house i work for we drive their mobility vehicles. These vehicles are registered elsewhere although in the service users name. While driving one i picked up a parking ticket. This ticket was sent to the registered address. Normal thing to happen would be that the ticket would then be passed to the house where the vehicle is kept. My company failed to do this until 3 months later and only after a debt agency contacted them and now demanding £200.
My manager has told me that i have to pay this.
I agree that i should pay the original ticket price of about £60.
They want to take it from my wages and i disagree.
It was not my fault that the ticket was not passed to me in time.
Has anyone had experience of this? Am i right to refuse to pay the full amount? Surely the company should pay the additional amount
Any advice greatly received
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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They're trying it on. If they persist, write a formal Grievance letter explaining why you don't think you should pay.
You drive their mobility vehicles? If the vehicles have disabled category road fund licence you can only drive them if the disabled person is in the car or you are carrying a task on their behalf.
I hope you are not taking advantage.
the clue is here: "While driving one i picked up a parking ticket." - pay up before it escalates further.
why should niknax have to pay £140 because a ticket was withheld from him?
(I think, judging by some of his other posts, Tora's either had a liquid lunch or the sun's got to him)
jno: because it'll be £400+ next time then more and they don't go away. Now he is known as the ticketee it'll get worse until he ends up on "can't pay we'll take it away" - pay it then sue the company if necessary but head in the sand does not work.
Don't know the answer to the OP but barry1010 @ 16.07 said you can only drive it if the disabled person is in the car. This is not true. A nominated driver can use the car at any time, as long as it's not for business or commercial purposes.
10C, if you read my post I said the disabled person must be in the car OR you must be carrying out a task on their behalf. The rules are very clear:
"The vehicle must either be used by the disabled person or someone who only uses their vehicle to help them, for example, to get prescriptions or go shopping for the disabled person"
Thanks barry. I might be getting confused with something else here.
Unless it is in your contract of employment, or you have agreed to the deduction, it would possibly be an illegal deduction. Get in touch with ACAS for further advise regarding the additional £140.


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Thanks for your answers. The disabled person was in the car and was doing shopping for them. As said don’t deny parking without a ticket but my company did not pass to me in time. I must definitely should not have to pay the additional fees
They can only take it from your wages if you agree
you clearly dont

write a letter saying that deductions from wages are regulated and parking tickets isnt one ( you will have to write)

as fr the ticket - I am not sure if they followed their own rules or not
twixt has spotted the wages bit
( unlawful deductions ) - I think this is straightforward

it is the sending the ticket to Mrs Mopp who did or didnt send the ticket on to Mr Topp that I cant work out

Oh - - insist you followed the rules of the firm IF the rules are to wait until the ticket comes round - - - or are yo meant to fess up on the day?
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I didn't know i got a ticket on the day,naturally assumed parking was free for disabled. Ticket was done through camera operated and nothing left on car
that sounds a very unsatisfactory procedure all round.
I would appeal to the parking enforcement people. Explain the circumstances & send a cheque for the £60. They might drop the matter.
Do you know exactly when your company received the ticket?
I certainly don't think you should be hit for the full amount because of your employer's negligence.

Send a cheque to the Parking Company for £60, explain the circumstances, and inform your employer in writing what you have done. I doubt the parking company will pursue it (although it may require one more exchange of letters - I had this in a not dis-similar situation)

TTT is right in cautioning against head-in-sand.
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Thanks for all your answers
I would do what Davebro suggests. Please let us know the outcome. Good luck.

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