I recently moved house and kept the energy supplier i was using, however the previous supplier of electricity sent me a bill for the electricity used whilst the process of changing supplier took place. This is addressed to 'New Customer'. I didn't pay it and they sent another saying if i don't pay they will take legal action, but they don't have my name, surely they would need my name to take me to court. I'm on the edited electrol roll so how else could they get my details?
very easily - it will not be hard for the debt recovery agent to find out who the house is owned by (electoral role, land registry, council records), this may well lead them to the landlord in some cases who will immediately give them your details and will probably worry about you... iyou risk getting a bad credit rating and a ccj by not paying
Also if they can find out who your actual supplier is (not difficult - I think there's a central registry) they can object to him supplying you on the grounds you owe them money. So you could find yourself cut off with no supplier until you pay up.
If you're just trying to avoid paying - don't! You will regret it if you end up with a CCJ. If you have evidence that you are being charged by both companies for electricity supplied during the change over period, then you need to take it up with both companies and get it sorted out.
we have just moved and we got the same you have to pay it as your energy supplier lets them know you want to stay with them and they will not take on if you dont pay it thats how they do it