my man had a one night stand,now this girl says her babys his,why should we pay for a dna test,she claimed to be on the pill,is there any law about this does anyoe know?thanks
The mother is obliged to name the father if she needs benefits.
If the named father contests it, he has to pay for the DNA test. That is how it is done.
It takes two to make a baby. I hope your partner has been tested for STD.
My brother had a DNA test which was organised by the CSA. If it proved he wasn't the father (he wasn't) then he didn't have to pay for the test. If he was, then he would have had the cost put on to his assessment for maintenance.
If the woman wants to claim maintenance, she should go through the CSA. Alternatively, pay for the test and get it all over with sharpish as to wait too long will mean maintenance back payments...
Hi. if the girl goesformaintance payments, through the CSA, if there is a dispute to who is the father,the CSA will pay for a DNA test,if it proves conclusive, theresthe element of maintance, I know fora fact that they can only take the earnings of the father into account, even if he is with another partner.