hi all,
just thought id throw my hat into the ring here, im sorry to say that i am indeed one of those people who ticket and clamp cars on private property.
As the law stands private landowners etc can engage the use of licensed clampers to enforce any regulations they see fit, provided it is on private property. As stated in the literature that comes with the blue badge it is actually worthless on private property, as a badge holder you are only granted permission on council land not in private property. That said many landowners, supermarkets etc allow diabled parking to take place, but it is not an automatic right. However no one may clamp a vehicle without a valid Licence from the SIA, to do so is a criminal offence. And the terms of the licence from the SIA staes Disabled vehicles can not be clamped.
The issuing of tickets is not regulated as yet so anyone may give a car a parking ticket on private land, including to disabled badge holders, so beware the blue badge is not a right to park anywhere you wish, on private land you can and will recieve a parking ticket.
if a sign says parent and toddler parking only then that is what it means and can be enforced accordingly, the same applies to Blue badge holders.