HI, technically , you would need to have a deed drawn up showing that the funds to repay the mortgage have been provided by yourself. Sometimes this is called a 'deed of trust'. This shows the amount of 'your' money tied up in the property, but you would also need a solicitor for this and make sure that it has a clause confirming what happens to any future growth in the property. CARE as this is what a creditor can claim if you do not!!!. Also be aware that if the relaltive goes into a home etc you would have to check on the changes in law about whether the government can force a sale of the property to cover the cost of the home. Also if the family member has credit problems you would have to check that a bankrucptyc order, by a creditor could not force a sale to get access to any equity in the property in future. You WILL need a solicitors help with this to ensure that it is air tight. Normally a deed of trust is quite simple and can cost a matter of �100 to �200 to draw up, but it does depend on the complexity of the case and who you are trying to exclude from getting access to the house.