Can anyone tell me the legal position of a person failing to prevent their cats fouling another's property. I'm aware that cats, st law, are considered wild animals, however there must be something that I can reasonably and lawfully do to deter them.
A cat owner cannot possibly be expected to stop the cat fouling where it likes when it's out and about,they are not trainable creatures. There are products you can buy to put on the areas where the cat is fouling to try and prevent it but that is as far as it goes.
Thanx guys. I suspected as much. However Ive just had an interesting conversation with my LA Chief Exec. & provisions of the Public Health Act are very interesting.
I have no wish to harm these animals but last straw was our daughter coming in from one of the gardens "bathed" from knee to hip in cat sh*t.
As the owner of the cats is a private tenant Im gonna be looking at the provisions of her tenancy agreement.
Our Neighbour had a problem with cats in the garden, so left a bag of poo on the door step! My partner went and spoke to her, and it wasn't even our cats!
We told her that if she could make a list of the cats she has a problem with, bring it to us, and if ares were seen by her going to the loo in her garden, we would pay for whatever was needed to stop them going in her garden.
My dog goes into my neighbours garden when I am not looking and EATS cat poo. yum yum.
Comes back with breath stinking somehting dreadful and goes around being friendly friendly
My neighbours keep on saying your dog is coming into our garden and we think he's shi++ing everywhere.
And I say no he isnt he's going into your unsecured garden and eating your cat's poo. Rounds of oh no he isnt/oh yes he is.
And then the black grandson of one of my unassuming neighbours joined in, if it happens again, I'll knife him
you know like they do
and I said, me or him ?
with or without an anaesthetic I added without an answer.
and he said, you trying to be funny?
oo that sentence has four words in it - but no main verb
I genuinely doubt if your neighbour's landlord will be remotely interested if their cat is fouling in your garden! What's it got to do with the landlord? And how do you propose to look at the tenancy agreement between the landlord and tenant? I'm afraid your barking up the wrong tree there......