rent refund in The AnswerBank: Civil
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rent refund

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bubbly2000 | 12:27 Fri 16th Apr 2010 | Civil
8 Answers
my friend has rented a flat for 6 months and paid all of the rent for the 6 months period, however she is now moving out, giving the landlord the one months required notice. Do you know if she will be entitled to a refund on the rent paid. She has been there for 3 months. Any help appreciated
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Is your question basically -
He should give 2 months rent back, depending on if any tenancy agreement was signed which should state clear procedures of ending tenancy early and required notice ect (was anything ie tenancy agreement signed?) Should give two months back at very least once moved out + has she asked him about this?
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it was done all correct with a tenency agreement through an agent. All she did was pay the rent up front instead of monthly
usually you sign the contract for a six month period, which is what i suspect she has done. If this is the case, she is not entitled to a rent rebate - she had a contract to live there for six months and now she is reneging on that contract
anything in agreement in relation to this?
Speak to landlord and ask for 3 months money back & if he isnt compliant seek agents help in getting the money off him
again, i must say that for an assured shorthold tennancy, it is for a period of six months (or 12), and then usually plops over into a rolling contract whereby either side just gives the required notice to quit.
However in the first six months it is usually fixed unless the LL can get someone else to move in in which case thye may give some leeway.
even if your friend had not paid the money up front, she would still be required to pay it in the first six months even if she wasn't living there. She really just needs to read her contract
Are you sure your friend can give notice to leave early? 6 month ASTs do not normally have a break clause.
Bednobs is quite right on this one
No refund due - It is a 6 month fixed term the landlord promises not to evict the tenant for those 6 months, and in exchange the tenant promises to pay the rent for 6 months. If friend wasnt willing or able to stay for 6 months, she could have got a shorter tenancy elsewhere - there is no legal reason why a tenancy can not be as short as a month.

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