Is it illegal NOT to fill in the form? I'ts just i never have for quite some time as i do keep moving house,don't vote,don't want credit but i do pay my Council Tax etc. I've got someone coming to see me in half an hour & i want to know my rights.
Technically you are required by law to complete and return the form, although I can't remember the council being arsed enough to do something about it if anyone doesn't. I, like millions of others, have been getting the annual reminder for over 30 years, and occasionally forget to return it. Never had any follow-up, nor have I been struck from the Electric Roll (deliberate malapropism, as that's what my Grandma used to call it).
So quite sometime is not quite some time then. We've just had a reminder in the last week. So basically what you really mean is that you've always filled them in except for this year?
Lol...No, but your answers don't match your question.
You said quite sometime and they're coming to see you. They won't be coming to see you for not sending this years one back as the reminders are only going out now.
If you'd rather I said....don't worry then...
Don't's bound to be their mistake (which it might be btw)
Poodi, it might be worth your while getting a credit check done from people like Experian - if other people are registered at your address and IF they are not creditworthy, it could cause you problems in future.
we got a credit check done and found a few ex tenants still listed as residents (we rented out house out for a while)
I understand that credit checks done by companies can now only take account of personal circs and not of the address or postcode, but having spurious residents listed at your address might give other problems.
I live in hampshire and, in my experience, if you don't return your electoral roll form, they send omeone round but only to get you to fill in a form or help you to do it, not to be difficult, the twice it has happened to us (because i have a memory like a sieve) they have been retired age folks and very nice and apologetic.