My parnter has breeched his restraining order.
I really need some partner assaulted me back in feb,i retracted the statement but the cps followed it through.he was sentenced to a 2 year suspended sentence and even though we lived together a restraining order not to harras,threathen or use violence against me which he did 3 days later, i have reported it he was arrested remanded for the weekend,in court on monday just gone he was charged with a section 39 and a breech of his restraining order,he was bailed and back in court wednesday,now he is bailed until 20th of july.I really do not understand how he got bail, I am a wreck and so confused,it took so much to finally stand up to him and it feels like he is going to get away with it.has anyone any idea as to why he wasnt remanded until the court date.