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Charged with abh and common assault

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Sunflower85 | 15:12 Fri 16th Dec 2011 | Criminal
8 Answers
I got arrested on Wednesday for abh, through biting a man who was trying to get me to leave an establishment and common assault on another man, by waving my arms around at him.

I was totally intoxicated, whereby I do not remember anything about the incident. I have pleaded guilty, as can no say I didn't do it when I don't even remember. I am due in court in January and wondered whether anyone had any ideas of what my punishment maybe?

I have struggled with my drinking for years and have been in and out of aa because of this. I also have previous, having been charged with assault pc 6 years ago and kicking a bouncer last month- all drunken incidents I do not recall :-( It was the 3 anniversary of my mothers death on Wednesday, not that this is an excuse but that on top of losing my father and grandad this year, I've been really struggling.

I want to send a letter of apology to the people I assaulted, as I feel terrible to have inflicted that on someone and wouldn't dream of doing anything like that sober. Just don't know whether I'm allowed to contact them or not?
Any advice would be grately appreciated!
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No, you are not allowed to contact them and would be ill advised to try to do so.

Apart from anything else, they are witnesses in a potential prosecution you may face and if you attempt to contact them (however good your intentions) you could be accused of witness intimidation.

You can show your remorse if and when the matter comes to court.
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Thanks for the advice New Judge, any ideas what my punishment maybe?
Here are general sentencing guidelines to have a look at:


ABH: Page 11

Common Assault : Page 23
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Thank you for the link, I am so scared about what the outcome is going to be. I know I deserve all I get but it's so scary!
Hi sunflower

Why don't you make an appointment to see your Doctor, explain recent events and all other surrounding circumstances etc and ask for professional help. This could also be used as mitigation at court if you can show that you are addressing the trigger to your offending.

Are you legally represented?.
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Thank you exdc, I went to my doctor before and was referred to a support team but they wanted me to have not drunk for over a year. I have contacted clockwork, a users support group who I used to use and will also speak again with my doctors, as you advised. I have paid a solicitor to help with my case, as with previous offences and the fact I work in health and social care, I need all the help I can get.
Thanks Sunflower, and hopefully you will get this and yourself sorted.


All the best.
would u not consider anger managment before u seriously do some damage to some poor soul>

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