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Fraud By False Representation

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Clairey | 22:45 Tue 04th Mar 2014 | Criminal
22 Answers
Please some advice would be great
I have been charged with 5 counts of fraud totalling (£900) I'm due in court in 2 weeks time I was in a bad depression mode when I did this I have since sorted myself out my going to the doctors and getting myself a job
I have previous conviction for fraud which I received a fine and a 3 year conditional discharge
This 3 years has been and gone now
I have got 2 good character references to take with me to court
I also have 2 young children
I am really worried I am beside myself on what the outcome will be could somebody maybe give me a bit of light? Anyone experienced anything similar?
Please no negative comments


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They have suggested I may get probation
You may, that is not a problem if you stay clean. In fact it can actually help you if you are having problems.

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Fraud By False Representation

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