List Of Convicts in The AnswerBank: Criminal
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List Of Convicts

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pussyfoot | 22:21 Sun 11th Dec 2016 | Criminal
9 Answers
Is there such a site that will give a list of convicts, their crimes and time served.
Many thanks.
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You could try The Newgate Calendar but it's somewhat out of date.
My local paper posts a list of who has been convicted locally on facebook including the offence and what the sentence is.
Is there such a site that will give a list of disgusting convicts, their abysmal anti social crimes and time served for their revolting offences against humanity women children and small furry animals ?

nope - I think my DUI on 2000 has been extinguished - I did it - driving whilst possed and I did not go to the slammer

and as a landlord one of my tenants soon to be ex tenant has spent many many hours on the internet without success searching for my minor misdemeanours like me asking her for rent arrears - oops not a crime - she says it is - but anyway she had a good go

she has tried alleging child molesting and that [allegation] isnt on the internet either. (I didnt)
oh and housing benefit fraud but that was someone else without not even my name - she said it was me all the same

oh and taking blue piccies of her small little child in nappies but it is agreed by all parties including the police that I could only have done that ( I didnt as well) if I had hoisted aloft a camera on a broom stick and swirled it around - camera stuck on a broomstick with duct tape
swirling it around like a radar aerial [looking for aliens or incoming russian missiles but that didnt raise the laugh I thought it would]
and it would have had to have been counter-angled to get the view required
I said I had no counter angled broom handles for sweeping around corners etc

but go on searching and good luck

yes I have been drinking
That reminds me. Until about 8 years ago our local light railway, Tyne and Wear Metro, regularly published on large billboards at stations the details of those who had been convicted by the courts of fare-dodging. Suddenly it stopped, so I presume there was some legal reason (Yooman rights?) behind it.
Well there is the Police National Computer, but to access that you have to be employed by the Police or some other such august body...
If I remember correctly penalties for illicit use of the PNC are particularly severe.
You can get your bottom spanked rather hard....
"If I remember correctly penalties for illicit use of the PNC are particularly severe."

Then, of course, the miscreants would appear on ".. a list of convicts, their crimes and time served." :-)

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