Should The Maximum Sentence For This Manner Of Crime Be Increased? in The AnswerBank: News

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Should The Maximum Sentence For This Manner Of Crime Be Increased?

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kvalidir | 16:43 Mon 19th Feb 2018 | News
18 Answers
These two thoroughly unpleasant specimens have gone to prison for the maximum term possible which is still a very short while considering what has happened to their little boy, but have tried to say that his injuries were accidental. The Judge was having none of it and sentenced them to the maxim term available for the crime but given this little boy's lifelong injuries should the maximum term for child cruelty (not causing death), be increased?

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Yes. I have just looked up sentencing for GBH and it says in practice that can go up to 16 years. Was this really the maximum?
Given the opportunity I'd throw away the key.
I couldn't bear to read this when I saw it in today's papers but I have just taken a peek to see the length of the sentence imposed. For me, nothing but life imprisonment would do for something so unspeakably cruel by the people who should have loved and cared for him. They have got away with it as far as I am concerned. I hope it haunts them till the day they die. And I hope the little boy has as happy a life as can be expected in the circumstances.
Yes it should.
Increased to the day they die.
No sentence is high enough for what they've done, may he have a life of love and care from now on.
like Naomi, i wouldn't let them out, not fit to be on the streets.
can't believe the sentence, that in itself is criminal.
The sentences are far too short for this vile pair.
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It was the maximum apparnelty ( would like New Judge to confirm this please if you could :) because they weren't charged with GBH, they were charged with child cruelty ( not causing death) which is in itself revolting, to think if you do that to an adult and you can get 16 years and your own child, a defenceless 41 day old baby, and only get 10 (presumably 5 actually in prison and 5 on licence as well). I'm not a great fan of thinking solves very much for many crimes, but this really warrants more imho.
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Excuse typos :(
I wished I hadn't looked at that link now. Dear God....how can anyone treat a tiny baby like that ?

Its ruddy inhuman !
Prison is too kind for people like this. If only the law allowed some degree of punishment and infliction of pain to offenders such as this.
Troubling to think they may be walking the streets (and indeed having babies) in 2023.
The sentences given are never served, so they're even more inadequate than they look. The judge has done what he can, but yes if that's the maximum term it should be increased.
Absolute savages. I cannot see any reason people like this should ever be let out. How can someone like this be rehabilitated?
It seems 10 years is the maximum for child cruelty, why on earth couldn't they be charged with offences with a longer sentence.

Shocking to think as ssaid abovem they will be out with the opportunity to do it all again in just few years.
Monsters the pair of 'em. Our sentencing laws are ludicrous to be fair !!

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Should The Maximum Sentence For This Manner Of Crime Be Increased?

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