depends on what they are charged with. They shgould be charged with section 18 but if not then a section 47. A section 18 (without intent) carries up to ten years a section 47 carries up to 5. She used a weapon and she has had previous. if she is found to be a danger to the public (re-offender) she could get an IPP. But with the way prison sentencing is going at the moment because prisons are full, she might just get a slap. She should get a custdial sentence - she bloody deserves one. You must find out what is going on and mither proseuction. Also write to prosecution and the judge stating that you are frightened of this woman and of her doing this again if she is let out (reprisal). As it gone to any kind of court yet i.e. magistrates or crown. If it goes to crown and she is found guilty and gets a custodial sentence till she is finally sentenced then it looks like she will go down - i hope she does. Hope you understood all this jargon.
My son was in a fight - he got sct 47 - he received 2 1/2 years. Hope i have helpoed a little