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The right solicitor

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lonedad | 14:16 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | Criminal
3 Answers
Is there much of a difference between the so called driving defence solicitors than an ordinary "deal with every criminal offence" solicitor?


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The driving defence solicitor will cost you a lot more
Ethel is right. However, there is a lot to be said for a specialist in whatever area of the law you choose. Having experienced these specialist firms I can honestly say that generally they are streets ahead of most criminal lawyers (although some general criminal teams do have a specialist in driving offences) since that is ALL they do.

I know a particular firm of "driving defence" solicitors who are charging a mate �5k on a speeding charge (personally I thought he should have just pleaded guilty and accepted a short ban) but he has more money than sense and you have more at stake.
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Yet again, thanks both.

Come to think of it, would you both like to defend me? :-D

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The right solicitor

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