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AWaiting charge for ABH

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mdueet | 15:21 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | Criminal
26 Answers
I recently was arrested for assaulting a woman police officer. I dont remember doing it, punched once in the face knocked them to the ground. Injuries were two front teeth knocked out and a split bottom and top lip.

It is on cctv and there are a number of statements. Officer is likely to need thousands of pounds worth of dental surgery for 2 implants. What should i expect in terms of punishment? Will it go to crown or would i get away with community sentence and a fine?


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Who knows? I don't.

Read paragraph 45 onwards here for te CPS guidelines on which charge may be appropriate. ainst_the_person/index.html#P48_1458
I should say, I have had people use: with great success for determining possible sentences etc, I had a "client" get a defence from them when I was a serving officer!!! Devastating at the time to my case, but now im not longer serving, I can reccomend it! Good luck with whatever direction you choose to go for advice. I only advise them because they are a cheap alternative to a high street solicitor and can give you all the facts.
Good luck. You've been lucky today as at times peoples answers can be very harsh.

I hope it works out for you.

In the words of Baz Lauhrman....don't worry as worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum x
1) spotted
2) as mrs_o said, take your toothbrush.

you're not sounding remorseful and if you're blaming this on drink, I would assume you'll never touch a drop again. obviously you can't handle it and behave like a vicious thug. you're the sort of "man" I hope to never meet.
It will be a miracle if you aren't sent to jail. Personally I think you deserve it. Hope you are not pretty. If so work now on becoming fat and ugly.
what you need to do is contact your dr tell them you need help with anger problems and get them on your side if the court sees you are taking action toward changing your unacceptable behaviour they will be less likely to send you to prison but a lot of it depends on your previous you should also try and see the officer who you assulted or at least send her a letter explaining you had drunk far too much and can not make excuses for your behaviour but totally accept it was out of order as if the officer truely believes you then it will also go in your favour at court as the victims statement is one of the main things they determine your punishment ...let them see you are trying to get help

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AWaiting charge for ABH

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